The only photo lab in town dedicated to film!
Stop by and see us south of the square in downtown San Marcos, Texas. We are open Tuesday - Saturday 10a - 3p
We process C-41 film stocks in multiple step chemical baths, and digitize with high quality scanners. Digital scans of your film are returned to your inbox in 24 - 72 hrs from receiving. Film drop boxes are available 24/7 at Jo's Cafe ( 310 Mary St. ) and in the common hallway at 145 S. LBJ Dr. available daily from 10a – 8p
Processing and Scanning 35mm (color only)
Photo prints of individual frames (various sizes available)
Digitizing of VHS, VHS-C, Mini DV, Hi8, and Betamax
Zablosky Film is the only distributor of commercial and independent film stocks in San Marcos, Texas. Fill out the contact form below to be updated when new items are available.